Nutrition and Cancer: The Conjoined Twins

  • About the Symposium: Cancer represents the second leading cause of death worldwide. Malnutrition is a common feature in cancer patients and is the consequence of both the presence of tumors, as well as the treatments used to combat cancer. Malnutrition negatively impacts the quality of life and it increases the toxicity of cancer treatments; in fact, between 10 and 20 percent of cancer patients die due to consequences of malnutrition rather than from the tumor itself. As such, nutritional support and intervention plays a crucial role in cancer treatment.
  • Goal: This symposium aims to highlight the importance of nutritional assessments and intervention in cancer patients and clarify the link between cancer and changes in body composition such as undernutrition and obesity. Additionally, it will shed light on nutritional interventions that can be provided to cancer patients with nutritional issues.
  • Target Audience: dietitians, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, health care providers.
  • Date and Venue: May 4th, 2023 from 14:30-19:00. King Hussein Cancer Center - Khalifa Building - Shoman Auditorium, 3rd floor.