Naming & Recognition Program

About the Naming & Recognition Program

The Naming & Recognition Program provides individuals or corporations and companies with the opportunity to donate in their own name, the name of their company, or in the name of someone dear to them, associating their name with ongoing and never-ending recompense, and leaving a permanent mark on the lives of thousands of cancer patients all over Jordan and the Arab world by covering infrastructure and machines costs at KHCC.

Available Spaces at KHCC

We feel immense pride every time we see our donor’s names, or the names of their loved ones, on our patient rooms or all over the many sections at KHCC. These names prove how sincere their solidarity is with our patients.

Join the Naming and Recognition Program donors so that your name can become a beacon of hope in the life of every cancer patient.

Contact Us:

Individual Donors:

Corporate Donors:

For Donors from Outside Jordan:

  • Phone Number: +96265544960 Ext. 140/148
  • mail: