The KHCF and KHCC in 2020

The KHCF and KHCC in 2020

Amman, January, 2021 - The achievements of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) for the year 2020 included the expansion of research at local and regional levels, and the launch of the King Hussein Award for Cancer Research, which aims to integrate scientific research in the field of cancer across the Arab world.

HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the KHCF and KHCC, stated that the KHCC was able to continue providing services to 23,000 patients under treatment, in addition to starting the treatment of 4,558 new patients, and providing 47,370 chemotherapy sessions and 44,096 radiotherapy sessions, 50 brain and nerve surgeries, and 203 bone marrow transplants.

The treatment costs of 744 underprivileged patients were covered through Goodwill and Zakat funds, thanks to our donors’ support of the KHCF’s noble mission.

In response to the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, the KHCC took precautionary measures to ensure the safety of cancer patients, as the medical staff made 4,840 home visits, and developed a remote clinic service to communicate and follow up on patients without exposing them to the risk of infection.

In terms of providing psychological and social support services to patients, the KHCC was willing to help student patients complete their education, as 402 patients were able to continue learning remotely, 12 patients benefited from the University Scholarship Program, and the wishes of 182 patients were fulfilled.

Through the Jordan Breast Cancer Program and its efforts to raise awareness on the importance of early detection, 18,000 women from different parts of the country underwent a mammogram.  And 26,792 new subscribers joined the Cancer Care Insurance program.