HRH Princess Ghida Talal Patronizes the Launch of "Jewels of Life" Collection

HRH Princess Ghida Talal Patronizes the Launch of "Jewels of Life" Collection

Amman, April - 2017: Under the patronage of HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, Kurdi Jewelry launched the ‘Jewels of Life’ collection. The designs included in this unique collection are inspired by the original artwork of pediatric patients at the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC).

The ‘Jewels of Life’ collection represents the dreams and beautiful visions of life maintained by these young patients despite their fight against cancer, giving each piece special meaning and distinct humanitarian value. In addition, a portion of the proceeds generated by the ‘Jewels of Life’ collection sales will support the treatment of patients at KHCC.

HRH Princess Ghida said: "I would like to thank Kurdi Jewelry, represented by our supporter Mr. Tariq Al-Kurdi, for this unique initiative and for the creativity in applying our dear children's drawings to superb pieces of jewelry with an aim to support them during their journey of treatment."

For his part, Mr. Tariq Al-Kurdi said: "On this occasion, I cannot but express our thanks to HRH Princess Ghida Talal for her efforts in leading this distinguished Foundation. Nothing in our beloved Jordan is better than the King Hussein Cancer Foundation, which works sincerely, and dedicatedly to fight cancer and facilitate treatment for patients. It was the innocent children's drawings that inspired us to launch the 'Jewels of Life' collection."